I've decided to become a fashion designer.
When I first thought of becoming a pastor I imagined myself in the role that I had seen growing up in the church. My family has been members of fairly traditional Lutheran churches since before I was born. For those of you who know the ELCA and it's predecessors, the LCA and ALC, you'll know what I mean when I say that I remember the "Old Red Book" (and if you don't understand any of that last sentence, don't worry about it - it's not important).
Anyway, as I considered becoming a pastor, I pictured myself leading worship in a way that looked like what I grew up with - precise, parochial, predictable.
I still like that kind of worship. Not because it's plain and simple (it's not), but because it's rich in tradition, history, theological depth, and Biblical relevance. And I'm good at it. I sing well and speak the words with a sense of authority. I like the fact that while the lessons, prayers, and songs change each week, there is a large part of the service that is the same week after week - the invocation, kyrie, gospel acclamation, creed, great thanksgiving and benediction. There is a familiarity in the words, notes and "amens" like a well worn pair of jeans that is comfortable and restful.
But the church today cannot rest in those old clothes. The church today needs to try on some new fashions made with new fabrics that reveal bold new colors and patterns. Not that I want to throw out the comfy jeans...there will always be a time and place for wearing those. But just as none of us would want to walk into a JC Penney's or a Sears store and find the fashions of the 1970's on the racks, people today don't want to walk into a church and experience worship that is outdated, tired, and boring. People in this modern, consumer driven world, are looking for a fresh, new look.
So like a buyer for Macy's or Nordstrom, I've decided to check out what the people of the world are wearing (or will want to wear) when it comes to worship and all the other "fashions" that the church offers. Perhaps people want worship that is less pedagogical and more interactive. Maybe there is a way to incorporate the ubiquity of social media in the way congregations relate with one another. Possible options may be that churches become less and less associated with buildings and known more for their activities among people in the larger community.
The ease, joy, and comfort of our longstanding worship practices will not go away...there's a reason it's called tradition - it is part of our very being. And regardless of the color of the book, I will always rest in the words of prayer, celebration, and creed printed there.
But it's time to get dressed up and hit the social scene. The church needs to "see" and "be seen." It needs to show off it's new duds! But first it needs to go shopping.
So I'm off to find the church some new clothes. I'll be looking for things that can be worn by the congregation that I presently serve, but also for clothes that will fit other parts of the church. I'll be looking for trends and ensembles that work in one place that might be altered to fit others. Not everything will fit, and some colors and patterns will look better on some than others. But we'll have to try on lot's of outfits, and wear them for a while and see how we like them. Who knows, some of these new clothes might one day become those comfy jeans that we love so much.
I'm off to work. Wish me luck! I'll let you know how my new job is going...
When I first thought of becoming a pastor I imagined myself in the role that I had seen growing up in the church. My family has been members of fairly traditional Lutheran churches since before I was born. For those of you who know the ELCA and it's predecessors, the LCA and ALC, you'll know what I mean when I say that I remember the "Old Red Book" (and if you don't understand any of that last sentence, don't worry about it - it's not important).
Anyway, as I considered becoming a pastor, I pictured myself leading worship in a way that looked like what I grew up with - precise, parochial, predictable.
I still like that kind of worship. Not because it's plain and simple (it's not), but because it's rich in tradition, history, theological depth, and Biblical relevance. And I'm good at it. I sing well and speak the words with a sense of authority. I like the fact that while the lessons, prayers, and songs change each week, there is a large part of the service that is the same week after week - the invocation, kyrie, gospel acclamation, creed, great thanksgiving and benediction. There is a familiarity in the words, notes and "amens" like a well worn pair of jeans that is comfortable and restful.
But the church today cannot rest in those old clothes. The church today needs to try on some new fashions made with new fabrics that reveal bold new colors and patterns. Not that I want to throw out the comfy jeans...there will always be a time and place for wearing those. But just as none of us would want to walk into a JC Penney's or a Sears store and find the fashions of the 1970's on the racks, people today don't want to walk into a church and experience worship that is outdated, tired, and boring. People in this modern, consumer driven world, are looking for a fresh, new look.
So like a buyer for Macy's or Nordstrom, I've decided to check out what the people of the world are wearing (or will want to wear) when it comes to worship and all the other "fashions" that the church offers. Perhaps people want worship that is less pedagogical and more interactive. Maybe there is a way to incorporate the ubiquity of social media in the way congregations relate with one another. Possible options may be that churches become less and less associated with buildings and known more for their activities among people in the larger community.
The ease, joy, and comfort of our longstanding worship practices will not go away...there's a reason it's called tradition - it is part of our very being. And regardless of the color of the book, I will always rest in the words of prayer, celebration, and creed printed there.
But it's time to get dressed up and hit the social scene. The church needs to "see" and "be seen." It needs to show off it's new duds! But first it needs to go shopping.
So I'm off to find the church some new clothes. I'll be looking for things that can be worn by the congregation that I presently serve, but also for clothes that will fit other parts of the church. I'll be looking for trends and ensembles that work in one place that might be altered to fit others. Not everything will fit, and some colors and patterns will look better on some than others. But we'll have to try on lot's of outfits, and wear them for a while and see how we like them. Who knows, some of these new clothes might one day become those comfy jeans that we love so much.
I'm off to work. Wish me luck! I'll let you know how my new job is going...
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