Following Samuel Following Jesus

Last Sunday in church I gave a sermon on the value of following. So often we are bombarded with the message that to be a leader is the pinnacle of achievement. Leaders (they say) make the best students, workers, entrepreneurs, parents, church-folk, and community members.  Leaders get things done and leaders make the world a better place for all - they say.

But my point was that Jesus doesn't call people to be leaders. Jesus says, "Follow me." Jesus says, "Come and see." Jesus says, "I will teach you." It's not that Jesus values leadership less (after all, followers need a leader), but Jesus doesn't start from the notion that leaders should automatically spring up out of the ethos. Leaders don't become leaders by their own will and desire, but rather at the invitation to first follow, watch, learn, and grow.

It is this invitation to follow that is foundational for our faith. Faith does not just magically spring up in us or in some way unbeknownst to us infect us like a cold virus. Instead, faith comes to us when we become followers of those who speak, act, and live out in their own vocation that to which God has called them.

I mentioned that this was the topic of my sermon this past Sunday.  Since I serve at a church where there are two of us who share the preaching responsibilities, the usual pattern is that one of us gives the sermon and the other leads the rest of the liturgy.  The third of our three services on Sundays is what we call our Praise Service (I'll have to write about why I kinda wish we would call it something else in a future post...).

Irrelevant details aside, since the Praise service is a little more casual, and since it was late in the morning and I had already given the sermon twice (thus, not as worried about it), and since our other pastor was leading the non-sermon part of the liturgy, I had the opportunity to gather my little Godson, Samuel, in my arms and help him (as much as his 2 year old little self could muster), participate in worship.

We sang songs as I held him in my arms and even danced to the music a little bit.  We bowed our heads and folded our hands when it was time to pray.  We gave thanks to God with a hearty cheer and applause as the band finished leading us in song.  I really didn't pay much attention to any of this at first. When it was time to pray, though, and the people around us stood up, and Samuel's little legs pushed eagerly against my lap so that he could do what everyone else was doing...then I realized what was going on.

Samuel is living out faith.

Samuel has been in attendance at worship with his parents almost every Sunday during the almost 23 months of his life.  He already knows the ropes.  He already participates in the joyous act of worship.  He already follows.  And because he is following - because of the faith that he is being taught - because of the actions that he sees the rest of the church (especially his full-of-faith parents) engaging in, Samuel is soaking up faith. And more than just soaking it up, he is doing, he is acting, he is living in his flesh and blood, as much as his mind and soul, the life of faith.

Standing up to pray and singing the songs aren't grand acts of faith, but they're a start.  And my conviction is that if he is doing these small things now, already at the age of almost two, and if he keeps on watching and learning the faith of his parents and others around him as he follows into acts of fellowship, service and love, to what extent and beauty will his faith grow?  God only knows!

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Sisters, Brothers, Friends, Neighbors - please - please - PLEASE...bring your kids to church.  Not just to the building, but to the community.  And certainly not just so I can show an increase in my attendance records for the week - Lord in heaven not for that reason.  Bring them so that they may follow.  Bring them so that they may see what you do and what your faith is about.  Bring them so that they may see God in us when we sing and pray and stand and praise - and when we go and serve and love and give.

We are followers - all of us.  Even those of us who are old-timers and leaders in the church, we learn to live the faith as we watch one another.  God is in those whom we follow...the same God who was in Jesus who bid his disciples, "Follow me!"  To what extent and beauty will our faith grow?  God only knows!

Lets make a world full of followers!


  1. Love it! Right on every account! Or am I biased?? Reconfirmed our wise decision in godparents!
    ~ Samuel's mom :-)


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